
Friday, June 20, 2014

A Fox and a Birthday and a Sun

The husband received a game camera from Julie and Jack, one of those motion sensitive and infrared cameras that take pictures at intervals after being triggered by motion.  He has had lots of fun with it, and a few nights back caught Miss Mercy sniffing around a tree trunk in the lower back yard.

And he had about a million pictures of squirrels recorded around that stump during the night. But you have seen squirrels, so I'll just post a picture of a small fox that was captured on film.  Fox appears to be about the size of our 12 lb. Mercy.  Sure hope he just eats squirrels and not the hollyhocks.

Last night the husband positioned the camera at a different spot, but there were no more pictures triggered by motion other than a few that perhaps a bird could be blamed for in its flight.

On a different note: today is my younger daughter's birthday.  She has had no contact with me for two years now.  Such a sadness, such a loss.  In happier times, this picture recorded her birth in Michigan in what seems a lifetime ago when her dad and I were students at MSU.

 (Mama and Heidy in hospital)

I am still no closer to figuring out why she has chosen her life path to exclude me and the rest of our family (referring back to a post written in 2012.)  I continue to pray for her daily, and trust her to God's mercy.

(Julie and Heidy, East Lansing, MI)
Look at that old green phone behind Heidy's head.  That certainly dates this photo.

It has been ages ago that I last posted on Paint Party Friday; so  now is the time.  Check out PAINT PARTY FRIDAY and others' artwork.  Think this will be called "Here Comes the Son" (note spelling is correct...John 8:12)

(acrylics: 36"x18")

(diptych: 54" x 18" when placed side by side...all in progress)

John 8:12

King James Version (KJV)
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.


  1. Lovely painting, sorry you are sad about your daughter. Valerie

  2. I love your painting, so many bright colors and it is perfect for summer with all of those bright colors. Very sorry to hear about the estrangement from your daughter. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. :big hugs:

  3. Your painting holds so much energy and brightness. Lovely colors used. I'm sorry for your loss.

  4. This is fabulous! I love the colors and of course the reference to the Son. I hope your daughter will rejoin the family one day.

  5. What a really beautiful expression of art and the scripture!! I am sorry for the hurt of losing your daughter's presence-but keep the faith. Friend of mine hadn't spoken to her brother in about 18 yrs even though she kept trying. Then a miracle happened and I know him too now. I cannot tell you how my heart leaped for joy for my friend. It could happen to you too. Happy PPF!

  6. Dear Nancy, hang on in there. When the time is right I believe Heidy will "come home" and I hope many will hold on to that belief with you and for you because it's hard as hell to do it all on your own. I send you a hug and pray with all my heart that resolution and reconciliation comes sooner rather than later. In the meantime I hope Heidy has a happy birthday today and that her Mom has a happy day too. Rooting for you and praying for you, Nancy. E xx

  7. How exciting the husband has caught a fox on his camera! I have only seen one fox in my life, and I couldn't move.

    I love your photos of you and your daughters Nancy. I am so sorry for your loss, I can only imagine the pain. Yes, keep faith. I hope someday your daughter realizes how much you all need each other, and you can be reunited with her. Hugs and prayers for you and your family! ♥

  8. Your sun is so bright and cheery and really finishes off your post with a smile. I was frowning sadly there for awhile. How hard it must be for you not to hear from your daughter. Hopefully one day she want to be back in your life.

  9. the blue and the oranges in your painting are so full of energy... lovely painting

  10. Oh Nancy that's sad about your daughter - I do hope that can be reconciled. I didn't contact my mother for a year after leaving home young, I'm glad I did put that right.
    Your acrylics are very pretty - I notice a lot of people in blogland are drawn to orange just now. Betty

  11. Terrific painting. That would be great inspiration for sock yarn dyeing. I'm sorry to read about your youngest. Hug.

    1. Oh and what a fun camera to have. Honestly, I thought that was a raccoon caught on camera. How neat foxes are in your area. I was driving up a local and busy street that is right by our city park. There was a coyote warning sign!

    2. Kepanie, We have both foxes and raccoons in the neighborhood - so it could be a little raccoon. The picture was taken at night and extensively processed.

  12. luv the bold radiant colours; as well the chit chat and introductions; have a lovely weekend

    much love...

  13. Hello Nancy. I will pray for your daughter and that God brings you together.

    That`s some header picture! I love masses of bright colors. I`ll bet that new camera is lots of fun. Not sure if I want to know what slithers or creeps about in my yard. Of course I want to know. Well, maybe, LOL

  14. Wowowowo this is fabulous!!!! I love the boldness of it and the colors are full of the sun and summer

  15. Beautiful painting! It makes me sad that your daughter isn't in contact with you! Perhaps that will change:( Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!