
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Blog Sharing

Reading others' blogs is usually not only a fun way to keep up with virtual friends, but also a source of inspiration and a way to introduce new ideas into your (my) life.

That said, let me share with you Mrs. Tittlemouse and her muffin recipe here.  The picture on her blog looked so delicious that I had to make some of those blackberry muffins. The only substitution was strawberry yogurt for plain yogurt.

Here is a picture of the basket that she made and sent me from Kent, where she lives in the UK.

Some of that batch of blackberry muffins will go over to a friend's house next week, using her basket as a carrier.  Thank you so much, Mrs. T.  She also sent a pretty crocheted hot pad, but my camera and that pretty pad did not make it together simultaneously for an image.

Another blog that is a daily read is Mennonite Girls Can Cook.  Here is the recipe we have been enjoying this week.  The bean and vegetable salsa keeps a week in the fridge, is healthy and a low cal way to get your fill.
(source is their webpage)

Sweet daughter Julie sent me a slate sign years ago, and you can see I am still using it in my newly dug and newly planted garden; that was yesterday's project.  My back is killing me today due to all the bending and lifting.

Surprise! He scared me with his moving around in the leaves since I was suspecting a garter snake, but it was only Mr. Toad.  He probably thought I was invading his space.

And yes, we fished again this week.  The most exciting views were of geese and blue herons that hang around the lake.  Those geese expect to be fed, but this one did not get anything from us, so he was a bit put off, as you can see from his open beak.

Am off to eat a blackberry muffin and take more aspirin.  Hope your weekend is a good one.


  1. I will be checking out these recipes as they look delicious. That doesn't even look like a basket; out looks like a knitting bag. The neighborhood must admire your garden so.

  2. So sorry your back is playing up. I have found swimming helps mine, over the last year it has helped a lot infact. Your muffins look very delicious. Betty

  3. Nancy, this was so inspiring! The muffins look delicious, and I cannot turn away bean and vegetable salsa ever! It looks too good! I guess Mr. Toad was enjoying his surroundings until you came along, haha! Love your new garden photo and the geese. Have a nice weekend!

  4. Hi Nancy! My back was hurting last week from the same activity! I am trying to take it a bit easier (watching how I twist and lift) because I hate to be so slowed down that I can't get the petunias in the ground. I'm late!
    Your toad is cute! Blackberry muffins sound wonderful!

  5. So glad you liked the muffin recipe - your version looks wonderful! I agree with you about blog inspiration - it's lovely discovering new ideas for things via blogs across the world. Really hope your back is feeling better very soon. E x

  6. Lovely muffins. I agree with you about the other blog reading! Your bag looks good. Salad is also healthy!


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