
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saturday Update: March 19-26

Best Recipe made this week: Chicken Enchiladas with Poblano Sauce, easy, tasty!  These are worth a try, even if you are a half heart-ed cook like me.

Favorite Lenten Service during the week at Immaculate Heart of Mary: the Tenebrae Service on Wednesday evening.  It was a lengthy service, with the Passion scriptures and excerpts from Psalms read, candles extinguished, and reverence abounding.  We exited the sanctuary after conclusion of the service in silence and semi-darkness.  That was Wednesday.

Pictures taken during the week: baptismal pictures that cannot be downloaded because of privacy responsibilities.  And kid pictures of the Easter Egg hunt today at the manor.  Many critters showed up for the goodies, littles were mostly family of residential members.  Again, no waivers were signed for picture permission. A good time was had by all.

SewingLiberty of London yardage purchased to be sewn up in one of those 70's style A-line comfy dresses.  Have had that pattern for a while, purchased from a vintage pattern online store.

Liberty of London

Reading Update: Almost through with C.S. Lewis' Letters to an American Lady (thank you, Elizabeth, for the suggestion).  Started A Pain in the Tuchis two days ago: it is about a murder in a Jewish retirement home with lots of references to Jewish slang, foods, synagogues, life in general.  Julie seems to like listening to it, especially when I get the elderly, screechy Jewish female voice right.

Ollie the Owl Update: He is still here! (same picture as previously) Mice population in the back area must be decreasing as he seems to be getting fluffier.

Art Update:  Gave one of Juliet's nurses one of my aspen paintings that I worked on during our Wednesday Painting Days at the Manor (failed to take a picture of it before it left the premises).  I really liked it and wanted to keep it, but that nurse was very kind to Julie, and I felt rather obligated.  Now the staff keeps asking when I will paint one for them ... no winning there.

And more art update:  purchased a dozen 5" x 7" canvas boards and another dozen white mattes for smaller art projects that I'll paint and contribute to the fall Fine Arts Show here in town to benefit Brush & Palette club.  Pinterest has lots of good ideas to follow.

Knitting Update: Finished another Piper's Journey Shawl in Ginny's poke berry dyed yarn and Berocco Chunky Vintage.  I ran out of the pink dyed yarn so had to complete the ends with the purple yarn, and had to deconstruct, then reconstruct the lace edging. That re knitting was quite the feat, and a more accomplished textile artist could have made it look more finished, but a shawl pin might just do the trick in covering over that dodgy row of Kitchener stitch.  Details here.

Julie Update: she is getting up for about 3-4 hours/day and into her wheelchair.  Pressure wounds?  No idea.  Headaches? None.  Low salt diet and diuretics and fluid restriction are working. Disposition: not the greatest on either her or my part.  I am trying to be more patient.  Which leads me into another topic of frustration: electronics.

Electronic Update:  Last week it was the iPad that had to be replaced because it happened to fly off Julie's bedside table. Then yesterday it was her phone that would not charge.  After an hour at the AT&T store, it was replaced, but now all those numbers that Uncle John put in on her device regarding speed dialing are lost. And she does not remember her password for email.  I tried several days to get it back, but now am on to another tact.

Come back, Uncle John, because my limited tech savvy is exhausted and her telephone directory is lost.


  1. Does Julie's electronics have cases? It seems since they've been trying a bird's point of view, they may need heavy duty, rubber cases. How cool you gave a nurse a painting and awesome how the staff asks for her own as well. That's a great compliment. That owl is so cool. How wonderful he looks. I hope he's finding lots to eat. He reminded me of the fun movie we saw yesterday. I've been kind of craving enchiladas for some reason. That dish you made sounds so good. Great progress on the shawl and the vintage fabric is spring fun.

  2. Actually, all her little devices have hard cases, but they manage to elusively fall and hit linoleum with fervor. Glad you saw a fun movie with the dames. Hope they were able to color some eggs yesterday!

  3. Oh I hope you get all of the devices going, gotta stay connected:) Have a blessed Easter dear Nancy, BIG HUGS and PRAYERS coming your way!

  4. I sympathize with the electronics madness. Ugh. I have two issues or needs to be addressed in that realm and I just keep putting them off.

    That fabric is the most beautiful!

  5. There is a lot in that update! I cannot believe that you had time to finish that shawl in all of that. The picture of your fluffy owl is really fantastic.


Your comments mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for reading my post, and heaps more hugs and thank you's for leaving a note!