Here is a picture of the interior and where you might find at least one occupant of the Grand House reading, tooling around, or smoking a cigar...not really, but that thought has been bandied around. There really is not room enough for two people inside these close quarters, but one or two small dogs just might wend their way there if bribed with puppy treats.
Not to be pessimistic, but I wonder how these plants will look when it gets to be ZERO degrees outside. There are two large black trashcans filled with water under the wooden planks to give humidity, and an inch or so of bark on the bottom of the interior to help mediate the temps. Plus the walls seem to be fairly heavy translucent fabric to aid capturing solar heat. We shall see.
Yesterday was a Scrabble day with six participants who seemed to enjoy lively challenges and debate. Here are four of them playing.
The only guy there was Allen. He and I have been playing almost weekly for ten years. I have three filled out journals of scores for each of our games recorded since 2003. Nine years' worth of scores between us.
Here is the button on my Scrabble bag:
Hope your Wednesday is going well. I'll try to keep my whining to a minimum.