So after considerable thought and intense snooping, my listing of blogs meeting the criteria is below. Be sure to stop by each one and see for yourself what incredible writing there is to be read in cyberspace.
In My Humble Opionion (Peggy Hill's favorite saying on King of the Hill), links to a blogger who:
has an online shop: Sweet William
has flawless taste: Keep it classyhas admirable qualities: Too Jazzed To Sleep and Throws like a Girl (both inspirational)
has awesome links to other blogs: Tip Junkie
is an artist: dianes mixed art
is intriguing: michelle perkett
is a daily read: country pleasures
is an old favorite: cast-on
is creative: a year from oak cottage
is a designer: sew liberated
is wildly prolific: daily danny
features fabulous layouts: grimitives
features loveliness: cates back porch
features fantasticness: Indie Collective
lives far away: Craft n Cook (India!)
lives pretty close: living the grand life (in the next room)
takes fantastic photographs: robin's woods
tells great stories: Gaston Studio
crafts up a storm: knitted gems
writes about life: a second cup
gives fabulous recipes: the pioneer woman
gives fabulous tips: tip junkie
makes me want to be her best friend: Heather at Craftlit
makes me believe in the goodness of people: Proverbs 31 Living
makes me laugh: What I Should Have Said
Check out these blogs; play along, and feel free to copy this neat idea for your blog.