Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How to Get Your Own Word Cloud

The above is my "Word Cloud" generated free of charge from Snapshirts*.

You can get a word cloud generated from your personal blog or a blog that you like simply by clicking on "Custom" at their site (ignore the $18 fee unless you want something printed up using your Word Cloud). This company scans words from the url of the cited blog and alphabetically, but randomly, prints out selected words in different sized fonts.

It made me realize that the specific words in my cloud accurately express my interests since I frequently penned those highlighted words in my blog theme of arts and crafts.

For grins, I also tried out the url site of my husband's blog. And yep, but of course, his word cloud reflects what he thinks and writes about. I had to laugh, though, at some of the generated words he would not like to shout out to the world ("liberal" and "Hillary" to name a few). It got me thinking about other people and what their word clouds might look like...you get the drift.

And what do YOU mostly think about? What would your personal Word Cloud say? Pondering that thought might save you years in psychotherapy.

Snapshirts* even lets you "DESELECT" generated words, allowing for substitutions. What a kick that could be to start off with Snapshirt's selected words, and then come up with your own set.

I wish them good business off their innovative approach to the blog world; they certainly got a couple of my bucks.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Nothing is Free

Coming home from the Dallas-Ft.Worth Airport on Sunday via American Eagle, the flight attendant announced that peanuts were available for $3. Also, if desired, anyone could also buy crackers, again for a $3 fee. Beer (a can) was $5; ditto for wine.

Here is what the ABC News reported on May 29:

In what could be the ultimate cost-cutting move by airlines buffeted by sky-high fuel prices, US Airways Group says it will eliminate free snacks in coach class on all its domestic flights starting June 1. The airline's largest hub is in Charlotte, N.C. In what could be the ultimate cost-cutting move by airlines buffeted by sky-high fuel prices, US Airways Group says it will eliminate free snacks in coach class on all its domestic flights starting June 1. The airline's largest hub is in Charlotte, N.C.

American_Airlines says: "If you are planning to travel by air on American Airlines, expect to pay an extra fee every time you check a bag. The airline points to rising fuel costs as the reason for why they are charging travelers $15 for the first bag. Checking a second bag already costs an extra $25. In addition to the new fees, American said it is also going to cut its U.S. flights by more than 10 percent, which will cause at least some people at the airline to lose their jobs."

Fortunately, water was distributed at no charge. But for around $200, the cost of a round-trip airline ticket to Dallas was worth the extra expense of a $3 pack of peanuts (with complimentary H2O). But since the flight was under two hours, I held off on snacks and just chewed gum.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Recipe Using Mint

Yesterday morning I spent what SEEMED like a long time weeding out mint in a small garden area in our back yard. It had overgrown its boundary (or lack thereof). As you know, mint is a spreader and takes over any available non-toxic surface. If there were to be nutrients of any sort on the moon, I'll bet a great crop of mint would surface, given one sown seed.

GardenGuides says:
The common types of mint are peppermint, pennyroyal, crinkle-leafed spearmint, spearmint, and applemint. Never eat pennyroyal, as it is toxic.

Mint is a perennial herb that is propagated by root division or rooting cuttings in water. The plant is invasive and should be grown in pots or in lengths of plastic pipe buried in the ground. It enjoys a damp location, shaded from strong afternoon sun, and rich soil. Pennyroyal is an attractive addition to hanging baskets. Mint planted outdoors should be mulched heavily to protect against frost.

Well, given that information, why does my spearmint still prosper in soil that is not rich and is virtually unshaded?

The good thing about having all that green herb is that it smells tangy, and it tastes great in iced tea. And it is a key ingredient in a delicious main dish recipe which requires copious amounts of mint.

"Thai Beef-Mint Salad" recipe is from a book authored by Harry Kaiserian, a fellow traveler on a trip to Italy in 2001. He and his wife are from Maine and are excellent chefs. His book is entitled "The Best of K's Kwisine," published in 2001 by Penobscot Books, Stonington, ME.

This recipe can be made as "bar food" or as a main dish, which is light and filling during hot summer days. It is also nutritious and flavorful. The following page was copied from page 63 of Kaiserian's cookbook:

Hint: I make enough rice powder to be used for several recipes (stirring up about 1/2 cup at a time.) Also remember to buy large leaf lettuce, wash and dry before filling with this meat mixture.

And here is a picture of iced tea and mint I am currently enjoying. See the mint in the background?..wish you were here!