They ate iris and parsley planted in the herb garden, but that was ok. There are plenty more iris I planted there last fall, while the parsley is taking more than its fair share of garden space.
White llama above: Phoebe Snow. Her fur is a natural white and is spun at Fire Mountain Fiber near Hotchkiss, Colorado at Bad Rabbit Farm. Her fiber is lace weight. Kathy wants me to drive out to the ranch and see all her fiber for sale; I might take her up on it as I would really like to dye up some more fibers in acid dye baths. Like last year!
Julie is trying to touch Phoebe's neck as Phoebe patiently waits for it.
Here is the location of the Stanko llama ranch on Kannah Creek Road near Whitewater. I might just take a drive out there soon to purchase some fiber.