Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More Magazine: "One Amazing Thing" Story Contest

For "women of style and substance", More Magazine is
the leading voice of today’s sophisticated, affluent and accomplished woman, who is enjoying the richest years of her life, sharing news and advice on beauty, fashion, health, career, travel, money and relationships from her distinct perspective.
It is a health and beauty periodical geared toward women over 40 and has been a Christmas gift for several years from my friend Kathy.  I enjoy leafing through each monthly publication as soon as it hits the mailbox.

More Magazine is having a "One Amazing Thing" story contest open to everyone with a story to tell. Here is what More Magazine says about their contest:
We all have a story.  One of my favorite stories is about the birth and subsequent decisions her father and I made about her health care in the first hours of her life.

My partial submission to the "One Amazing Thing Story Contest" (screen shot only) is this: 

 That picture on the left is of my first born (of whom I write) and me, the 20 yr. old college sophomore who was unexpectedly faced with a critical decision concerning the medical fate of this child.

This is not the entire story.  And there is yet more to write almost forty years later, but that is for another place and time.

If you would like to submit an amazing story of your own, or read and vote for others' submissions, here is the link: READ and VOTE here.

 Who knows, maybe we will get a meet-up at Barnes & Noble's  in the future.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pentecost and Listening to Scripture in Other Languages

Today is Pentecost.

What is Pentecost? An answer from StPaulKingsville ...
Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the twelve apostles, Jesus' mother and family, and many other of His disciples gathered together in Jerusalem for the Jewish harvest festival that was celebrated on the fiftieth day of Passover. While they were indoors praying, a sound like that of a rushing wind filled the house and tongues of fire descended and rested over each of their heads. This was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on human flesh promised by God through the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29). The disciples were suddenly empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ. They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching to the crowds gathered for the festival. Not only did the disciples preach with boldness and vigor, but by a miracle of the Holy Spirit they spoke in the native languages of the people present, many who had come from all corners of the Roman Empire. This created a sensation. The apostle Peter seized the moment and addressed the crowd, preaching to them about Jesus' death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. The result was that about three thousand converts were baptized that day. (You can read the Biblical account of Pentecost in Acts 2:1-41).
SIL Jack in South Carolina is proficient in speaking Spanish.  He will be reciting the verse John 3:16 (KJV) for his congregation today at Epiphany Lutheran in Spanish:
Juan 3 (Nueva Versión Internacional)16 »Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo *unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.17 Dios no envió a su Hijo al mundo para condenar al mundo, sino para salvarlo por medio de él.
He says that other speakers will read the same scripture in languages of English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Arabic, Latin, Greek and possibly Japanese. Jack say it will  "give the effect of the people hearing the Apostles each in their own language which would be unknown to those who don't speak that language".

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pictures from the Past

This week, collecting old family photos from the garage and various closets, I came up with eleven storage boxes of pictures and frames.  That is just too many if you don't have a library and/or you are not an historian.  It was time to pare down.

Beginning the process, with two sacks of miscellaneous black garbage sacks already filled with photo clutter and ready to be taken for disposal, here is the start of the editing:
Some of the photos I unearthed were sweet, evoking sentimental emotions, such as this studio shot taken in about 1935 of my mother, her mother and her sister( left to right).

The back of this photograph is in my brother's handwriting and says "Lela Hugeley Motley, married to Thomas Jefferson Motley, May 30, 1883" (my great grandmother from the paternal side of the family).  This was likely Lela's Motley's wedding portrait (born Novermber 23, 1859, Died July 22, 1921).

And, of course, there were pictures of home life and my kids at various stages of their childhood. I won't bother to show scans of some of those photos.

But I have to include this bizarre photograph of the tombstone for my great grandfather's FOOT from 100 years ago.

Now why in the world would one have a memorial to a part of one's body that was amputated?  Curious, but the proof is in the photo.  You wonder what the story was behind that foot...

The good thing is that several days later, I'm down to five boxes of pictures, and ready to further prune, scan and discard even more of these photos.  Thank g-d for digital cameras and scanners.

Monday, May 17, 2010

English Gardens and The Traveling Woman Shawl

Spring brings to mind, among other thoughts, the connotation of gardens.  My British friend talks about the English garden, and it took me on a search for what exists in an "English garden".

From this site:
As castles gave way to fortified manor houses in the later medieval period, the garden became a simple green space surrounded by hedges or fences. Games such as bowls or tennis took place on the lawn.

The next stage of the English garden came after the Reformation. Many landowners enclosed common land to create parks for keeping deer or cattle. This 'natural' landscape gave way to formal gardens near the house, still sheltered from the outside world by hedges or walls.
So that helped narrow down some information.  Then a search for images of English gardens brought up pictures of flowers, shrubs, small hedges, water gardens and small ponds including foliage, and a general sense of beauty and well being.  There are formal gardens, with areas cordoned off for specific plant placement, and informal gardens that include a more free-form type of planting.

In October, 2010, fifty or so travelers will visit some English gardens in London, Bath, and Wales.  I am excited to be part of this group.

We travelers will visit not only gardens, but also fiber shops and woolen mills.  Our host and podcaster Heather Ordover of Craftlit, the podcast for people who are too busy to hold a book, along with tour guide DianneRJ from Ravelry will be taking a group of crafters who love books, to London, Bath and Wales to see the sites.  Information about the fiber tour can be found here through Holiday Vacations.  I'll be on that bus, likely with knitting needles and fiber in hand, while we visit local yarn shops, museums, and castle gardens. (It is all about crafting, reading/listening to classic books, and Jane Austen, you know.)

Since it will be cool weather in England and Wales, of course we TRAVELING WOMEN will need various warm outer clothing and knitted accessories to help ward off the mist.

So which of my shawls will go along with me?  Perhaps the "Traveling Woman Shawl". Description of the shawl from designer Liz Abinante says:
Being an indecisive individual, this shawl is named after two things. First, the song “Travelling Woman” by Bat for Lashes (she’s British, hence the extra “l”). “Travelling Woman” is a song about a brilliant woman with a promising future, who loses it all because she fell in love with a man who had too much potential, and not enough substance. The edge of the shawl represents the dangerous web of love, as well as its highs and lows. Along the bind off edge, the shawl can be blocked to subtle points, or straight.
Second, the character Angela Montenegro on Bones. If you’re familiar with Angela’s character, I think the song selection makes sense: she’s artistic, a believer in love, and just the type who might get in a little too deep before she can find her way out (she did get married in Fiji to a complete stranger, after all). This is the second in a series of patterns based on the characters from the Bones television show.
The Traveling Woman Shawl is a free download found here on Ravelry.  I am about half-way through it, using Ella Rae Lace Merino yarn.  And definitely my Clapotis Shawl will go along, too.  Can't wait!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Liquin - A Good Thing

This is a product anyone who paints with oils will like:
Liquin, a...
reliable favorite (formerly known simply as "Liquin") is a general-purpose low gloss medium that improves flow and transparency. It mixes easily with the brush or knife, smoothes brushwork, and is also suitable for textured oil techniques. Liquin Original approximately halves the drying time of oil colors, resulting in a drying time of anywhere from one to five days, depending on climate, colors used, and film weight. It is not recommended as a varnish or final coat.
Applying Liquin is the final step used on the Day Lily, started in July, 2009 and what I'm considering now "almost finished".  The Liquin finish keeps dust off the picture, and lends a warmer glow to the oil colors.  This picture was taken prior to using Liquin since pictures on my camera tend to create a "shine" on the picture after Liquin is applied.

Orange Day Lily, 2010, NMcCarroll
30" x 40", oil on wrapped canvas
Prior progress on the painting of this canvas can be viewed at Floral Art, Etc.  (The original photo of the day lily from our garden will also be shown on that blog posting.)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Google Analytics

Thanks to the DH, some great information has been coming my way regarding traffic on this blog.  Google Analytics is a program that gives LOTS of statistics on who is reading the blog, from what country they are finding this blog, what the hot topics people are looking for, and other trivia which (more than likely) interests only the writer of the blog.

For instance, in the last year, looking at stats for this blog, here is a summary from Google Analytics regarding visits:

The chart above shows that over the last year, more NEW site visits originated from Canada (92%) than from the United States (79%).

And the pie chart shown above indicated that search enginges gave me 65% of referrals from key words listed in the post titles.

Lastly, to further belabor the point, one graph (above) showed that "Making Fabric Roses" was the leader in Google searches by topic, with "Sewing Prayer Shawls" coming in second.

However, the most page views came from "Making Neck Pillows", with the prayer shawl coming in second for most page views. 

Fun stuff if you like statistics, and worth checking out if you are curious about your blog traffic.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Therapy Dogs

Let's talk about Therapy Dogs International.

When friends and family ask about therapy dog and owner responsibilites and what we do, the same questions are often asked.  Here is a rundown of typical questions and answers:

Q: What are the requirements to have a dog certified as a therapy dog?
A:  The dog (and owner) must pass eleven requirements in order to be certified as a "therapy dog".

Q: So what are the steps?
A: see photo below (click on highlighted area to enlarge)

Q: Can all dogs qualify for training?
A: No.  The dog must allow petting and be unafraid of strangers, loud noises, and differing situations.  One of our dogs was not a good candidate for TDI training, and one pup was willing to be trained.

Q: How do I get started in the process of training my dog?
A: Any obedience training program is the first step in teaching your dog to comply with the requirements.

Q:  I have a yappy dog; can she be trained to work for her kibble?
A: Yes, we have a b*tch of a dog when she is at home, loves to bark and jump, etc. (sorry to have to admit this)...but on the job, she is a behaver.

Q:  How much time does this take?
A: As much time as you are willling to give.  Practically any nursing facility, hospital, hospice, school (Wagging Tails is a separate program tutoring kids in reading), special care housing, assisted living, hospital or medical clinic is willing to entertain the idea of therapy dogs.

Q: What are my responsibilites in visiting with my dog?
A: Be open to the person you are visiting.  Remember that the visit is not about your and your dog, it is to meet the needs of the person whom you are visiting.  The person you are helping generally does not want to hear about your stories or life history.   The dog facilitates conversation and contact with the client, and helps to engage the client with distraction and productive time.

If you have any questions about how you might volunteer with your animal fur friends, feel free to contact Therapy Dogs International via email or call them at (973) 252-9800.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Meadow Flowers Shawl

Ta da! Finished, blocked, and worn, here is the Meadow Flowers Shawl :

Knitter's Stash is the source of the pattern.  The book was published in 2001 by Interweave Press, and is a jewel.

Ravelry friends, all the specs can be found here.

There are a few mistakes in knitting, but they will "never be seen on a galloping horse", as my grandmother used to say.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Howling at the Moon

Ya know when you get to know somebody pretty well?  And sometimes you quit listening to EXACTLY what they are saying because you have heard it before?

My husband, author of livingthegrandlife, a (mostly) anti-politcal blog....rants.  He told me yesterday, after I kinda tuned him out during our third cup of morning coffee... "nevermind, I was just howling at the moon."

I got a kick out of that thought/statement.  How much do we all just "howl at the moon", and who really listens?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Finches and Hummingbirds

Finches feasting from a dirty well used sock (picture taken yesterday).

This is a nest from last year when  bird eggs were laid (sometime in July 2009):

We have some hummingbirds, too, but my photography is not swell, so this YouTube video shows them in bunches!  David Attenborough (BBC) shows this video:

Enjoy the spring!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chain Stitch Scarf using Bamboo Yarn

Bernat offers a free on-line scarf knitting pattern accessed here when you sign up for their newsletter.  It is called the "Chain Stitch Scarf".  I followed the basic instructions, alternating yellow and green Bernat bamboo yarns.

Embellishments to the original pattern included a decorative picot stitch in the center of the middle stripe, and an I-cord was knitted around the perimeter in another color of green. The attached I-cord (instructions here) gives it a more finished look.

Visual instructions along with verbage regarding the picot stitch can be found many place on YouTube.  This is the link I used for the decorative picot stitch in the middle of this scarf, using a cotton sheen yarn by Berroco.

Ravelry buddies, here is the finished scarf (dimensions 52" x 7"):

This is the 2 inch lapel pin, highlighted by cobalt blue, accessorizing the scarf:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Iris in Western Colorado

Iris are in bloom!  Here are some pictures from our back yard:

Raindrops resulted in white spots on the photo of the yellow iris.

THIS SITE gives detailed instructions on dividing iris, and replanting in a sunny spot. That information was helpful in planting the rhizomes brought back from South Carolina yesterday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

South Carolina

Yesterday, I was in Rock Hill, South Carolina.  Here is a recorded happening there, according to The Charlotte Observer:
ROCK HILL House painter Jerry Gibson armed himself with an electric drop cord Tuesday morning and took off running after the giant bird that ran 5 feet from his disbelieving eyes.

Gibson joined a fray of dozens Tuesday as word spread about an ostrich - an emu really, but a big bird is a big bird - strolling down Chestnut Street and elsewhere in the East Town neighborhood just east of downtown.

Now that had to be quite a scene, although I was in York, SC with daughter Julie and SIL Jack and FIL John.

Julie has been on home IV therapy for seven weeks. She is scheduled for another surgery May 7, 2010. Your prayers for her well being are again appreciated.

Julie and Jack

Above is a picture of SIL Jack's father, John Heniford, Sr. (92 yr.)  Those are his roses and iris from his yard.  Until this spring, he has been solely responsible for the upkeep of both his and Jack and Julie's lawns and gardens. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fireworks of Glass at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis

An impressive 43 foot tower of glass is now on exhibit at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis.  Dale Chihuly is the artist.  Here is a picture:

It is placed above a glass ceiling.  1,600 pieces of glass compose this 18,000 pound exhibit. What a sight that must be!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Insect Art

Daughter Julie gave us the book Pheromone. (2008, Pomegranate Communications, Inc., CA)

The Insect Artwork of Christopher Marley in photographs is an amazing array of botanical images. 

From the bookplate:
Christopher Marley's graceful arrangements of jewel-like anthropods and delicate betterflies transform the hitherto creepy world of insects into stunning works of art.  His keen eye for design combines with his entomological passion to produce mesmerizing kaleidoscopic bug mandalas and striking up-close-and personal single insect portraits....
Here are a couple of photos I took from the pages of this book:

These images will be fun, but challenging, to paint in oils.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Angels Used in Embroidery

This site, Checkered Houses, displays artwork from over thirty artists.  Many are folk artists. 

Paul Flack drew the angel shown above. 

Paul began to look for that sense of fulfillment in painting, inspired by the likes of visionary artists. He had painted earlier in his life for a short time. As his spiritual quest grew, he became intrigued with the concept of angels. Angels are spiritual in nature, not religious and span time and appeal to all ages.
His angels are colorful, eye-catching, and unique in their forms. They appeal to everyone whether you believe in them or not and encourage the imagination to wonder in terms of what the painting means to each individual. It is in this, that Paul finds his fulfillment.
This will make an interesting outline for embroidery work on the back of a work shirt.  The lines are simple, and can easily be drawn from the photo onto paper or cloth for further embellishment.

Here is one similar angel embroidered from a kit, and sewn onto cloth, then appliqued on the backing of a woman's vest:

We need all the angels available to surround us, so why not on our clothing?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Art Space Colorado and Open Studios

Western Colorado is privileged to have exceptionally talented artists. One of the many organizations that sponsors art in this area is ArtSpaceColorado.

On the weekend of May 1 and 2, 2010, "Open Studio Tour" is happening in the Grand Valley of Colorado. Twenty-four different studios will be open during this weekend, displaying works. From their recent flyer:
Spring is a great time to visit the Grand Valley. Twice a year artists open their creative spaces and invite the public to view and purchase their artwork. There are sculptors, painters, jewelers, potters, and many, many more artists in different media to enhance your visit. On the self-guided tour, you choose which artists to visit.
Saturday, May 1, 10 AM to 5 PM
& Sunday, May 2, Noon - 5 PM
Celebrate the arts and view new artwork from artists across the Grand Valley, free of charge.
Click here to download a map or you may pick one up at any of these locations:
•The Artist's Haven
•The Art Center
•GJ Parks & Recreation
•Visitors Center (Horizon & Fruita)
•Camilla's Kaffe
•Traders Coffee on Patterson
•Fruita Chamber of Commerce
•Coffee Muggers
•Colorado Java
•Main St. Bagels
•Hang Ups Gallery
•Planet Wines
•Planet Earth
•Twisted Brick Studios
•Palisade Chamber of Commerce
•Main Library Downtown
•Alpine Bank Downtown
•Meadowlark Garden
•Tiara Rado Pinion Grill
•Chez Lena
•Palisade Chamber of Commerce
•Palisade City Hall
•7th Street Deli
•Haute Tomato Cafe
•Aspen Coffee
•Fruita City Hall

$13.99 + $3.95 (shipping & handling)
This handy calendar has 26 full color art images and space for notes or comments. Its a convenient size for home or office which fits easily into a portfolio, backpack, or purse. Makes a one of a kind gift too!

If for any reason you don't like the purchase, send it back within two weeks for a refund  (purchase price). Questions? call 970-640-8177 or email 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mint used in Main Dish

Thai  Beef-Mint Salad (we like it as an entree):

The recipe shown above is an easy one that we make frequently in the spring and summer when mint is plentiful.  This recipe is from a book K's Kwisine, authored by Harry Kaiserian, a Maine columnist.  It can be purchased here.

Harry says in the foreword of the book:
These recipes are all favorites of somebody, somewhere. The best of the best, so to speak. They represent many, many years of cooking and dining experience and were submitted by a lot of wonderful people for the K's Kwisine column that continues to run since its start in 1987.
Daughter Heidy and I were fortunate to spend a week with Harry Kaiserian and his wife at the Italian Cooking School Scula di Cucina "La Bottega del 30" north of Sienna, Italy learning how to make some traditional Italian dishes. 

Harry was just getting this book printed when we met, so of course I had to purchase the compilations of his favorite recipes.   Every recipe in his book K's Kwisine is a keeper. Give the Thai Beef-Mint a try, and like Harry says: "be bold" and enjoy!

You might also be interested in the recipes we learned to prepare in the villa a Sesta at their cooking school.  The book of Italian recipes is available at the Scula di Cucina website located here.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dolls Carved from Soap

A friend sent a PowerPoint slideshow that is amazing. Amazing because each doll has been crafted from a bar of soap. See below for the first slide in the series.

Here is the link to the slideshow of  15 intricately crafted soap dolls in its entirety:

 French Dolls in Soap

Friday, April 16, 2010

FloralArtOilsandWatercolors - A new blogspot for artwork

Yesterday was the day for art clean-up, including creation of a new blog for cataloguing my paintings.

The new site is called Floral Art, Etc. and will focus only on art and displaying what I am currently painting.

Most of the oils and watercolors that I saved to computer files are displayed here.  Some are for sale, some have been gifted, but all can be more or less replicated.  Many of those pieces have been blogged about on Nancy's Arts Crafts and Favorites on blogspot, and the references are duplicated there.

Please visit it and offer constructive criticism, if you will.  Thanks!

clean up picture courtesy of this site by Anjum

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Multnomah Lace Shawl (modified)

Just off the hooks is a fab shawl pattern that took about a month to knit.  It is the free download pattern available here from HelloKnitty.

Socks that Rock by Blue Moon Fibers, 100% merino wool, was the yarn choice in the lunasea colorway:

Modifications were made to the original pattern, thanks to cheepskate on Ravelry

Here is a picture of the completed lace shawlette.  It knitted up to 66" x 23" on size 4 circular needles.

It was an interesting pattern, and the lace repeats (feather and fan) kept my interest, along with the modifications to the upper part of the shawl.  (Again, thanks, cheepskate and HelloKnitty.)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Portrait Painting Tips on the Web

Painting in watercolor to achieve a portrait?  A web search turned up this site by Margaret Crowley-Kiggins, FWS.  She gives step-by-step advice including the selection of equipment and palette colors, to preparation of the canvas, all the way through completion of facial features and background.

At another site located here, the same artist goes through similar steps on another portrait.  The steps are basically the same, with minor modifications.  This is a guide which will prove worthwhile to save in the computer Art-Favorites toolbar.

Several years ago, I attempted painting a copy of Madonna from the original by Murillo (see below):

Here is my poor rendition of Madonna in oil, completed in 2007:

(The Madonna looks about 40 in my picture, and her chin needs some touch up, obviously.)  It's a start.

Friend Shirley is an accomplished artist, and is currently painting a portrait of a beautiful young woman (it is in its first stages):

Here are two portraits she previously painted:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Living in a Saturday World before Easter

The following is taken from Christ in Our Home, a Lutheran publication:

What do you do on Saturday? Catch up on work around the house? Make a trip to the grocery store? In our culture Saturday is an in-between day. It's wedged between the work week...

What do you do when your world has fallen apart? Late Friday afternoon, Joseph of Arimathea made sure the body of Jesus received a proper burial.  He sealed the tomb with a large stone.  I can imagine that once Joseph's work was done, he -- like the other disciples -- started wondering what to do next.  The Saturday between the first Good Friday and Easter was an in-between day.  It was a day of unspeakable sadness.  The hopes of the disciples had died with Jesus.  There was little for them to do but wait.  They could not fix the situation.  Only God could.

We live out our days on Saturday. It's a day of waiting for God to come and do what only God can do. Philip Yancey tells a story of a grandmother who lies buried under 150-year-old oak trees in a cemetery in Louisiana. In accordance with the Grandmother's wishes, only one word is carved on the tombstone: "Waiting."

(From Augsburg Press, p. 7, April, May, June 2010  issue)